Platforma de resurse pentru mai bine |

Becoming a mother has been the single hardest, most transformational and rewarding process i’ve been thru my entire life. I still stop from time to time and ask myself if i am the best mother i can be. If i live up to her needs and expectation, and to what she really deserves. But then again, particularly these questions, i think, make me better.

Making better mistakes, doing the best i know until i know better have been my matras of becoming. I know that reasing happy children is, first of all a consequence of our inner state, so in being kind to her, i try to show myself kindness as well.

She’ll soon turn 3. She is, without a doubt, the greatest gift this life has given me. I watch in awe how she changes me, her father, everyone close to her, and with us, the world. If you’re willing, a child has this mesmerising magic power of bringing out the best in you.

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